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Contagious Disciple Making - David Watson


Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus - Jerry Trousdale


21 Days to Becoming a Disciple - Jim Britt


Acts and the Movement of God - Steve Addison


Kingdom Unleashed - Jerry Trousdale & Glenn Sunshine


Focus on Fruit: Movement Case Studies and Fruitful Practices - Trever Larsen


Stubborn Perseverance - James Nyman, David Watson et al.


Cabbages in the Desert - How God transformed a Devout Muslim and Catalysed Disciple Making Movements among Unreached Peoples


The Father Glorified - Patrick Robertson & David Watson


The Multipliers Mindset - Cynthia Anderson


Intercession: Thrilling & Fulfilling - Joy Dawson


Prayer Power - Stuart Robinson


Following the Spirit - Peter Roennfeidt


Following Jesus - Peter Roennfeidt


Following the Apostles Vision - Pether Roennfeidt 


A Praying Life - Paul Miller


In the Land of Blue Burkas - Kate McCord


Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials - Jayson Georges & Mark D Baker


Mosques and Miracles - Stuart Robinson


Wind in the House of Islam - Dr. David Garrison



Online Resources

Multiplying Disciples


Praxeis - Training, blog, podcast, coaching


CDM - Contagious Disciple Making


DMMS Frontier Missions - info about DMM


Loving Muslims Together


Focus on Fruit


Prayer Resources

Pray Afghanistan - offers a prayer guide to praying for the nation


Joshua Project - Learn about all the 69 unreached people groups in Afghanistan and how to pray for them


Open Doors - 6 ways to pray for Afghanistan


Prayer Cast:

 - Pray for the Nation

 - Pray for Kabul, Afghanistan's capital city


Principles of Effective Intercession - Joy Dawson



Movements - Steve Addison

Conversations on the Go - Dave Lawton

On the Road #NPL

H3X - the Head Heart and Hands of a Movement Leader

L1A podcast - movement in western context

The Coworkers Podcast

CDM - podcast


Discover App

Online & Hard copy Bibles in Hazaragi, Pashto, Dari, Turkman

UNHCR's Refugee Population Statistics Mobile App

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